What Customers Say

My clients love learning to eat well it can have a dramatic effect.  I’m thrilled seeing clients say goodbye to IBS, eczema, arthritic pain, excess weight, high blood sugar, high cholesterol after one-to-one Nutrition Coaching or my Eat for a Better Life group programme.  Several clients have done video testimonials which you can see on the Videos page.

Here are some snippets:

It was a revalation after a one-to-one with Jackie…The results have been amazing.  Energy levels are way up and my weight is down and dropping steadily.  Thank you.  Marjory

It’s life changing / such freedom around food / I can dance all night / I don’t diet anymore / My trousers are too big / I feel more alert, purposeful, enthusiastic, calm at work


My complete relationship with food has changed, I enjoy food and even food shopping now (well quality food shopping 😊) Anne

“I now live instead of existing.  Finally after 50 years I can make sense of why I feel like I do” Louise

“The best money I have ever spent.  It’s life changing!” Angie

“Eye-opening, interesting & easy to understand.” Lyn

“Go along to change your life!” Jill

“I don’t yo-yo diet any more.  I’ve lost 7kg.” Jane

“I commenced the course in a state of perpetual tiredness.  I switched out convenience food and added in healthy fats.  I feel fabulous!  I’d say the course is the best investment I’ve made in the last 2 years.  It’s absolutely worth it and more.” Suzanne

“Eat for a Better Life surpassed significantly all I had hoped for.” Elsa

“I feel less sluggish and more alive.” Helen

“You’re fabulous, massively enthusiastic, good product, you’re the real deal!” Jackie

” I feel really relaxed and stress free.” Sarah

“I’m eating for a better future.” Penny

“Eating guilt free!” Susie

“I probably can’t think of a way of putting my money to better use for aiding my own health and well-being.” Mukhtar

“When I saw the foods on my metabolic type test report it filled me with joy!” Hazel

Jim always liked to exercise but wanted to learn more about eating well.  He’s now back to the weight he was when he got married 40 years ago.  He said, ‘It’s all down to Jackie.’

“My trousers are too big and it’s your fault.” Steve*

Karen waxed lyrical – here is an extract! …it was spot on, exactly what I wanted… simple, clear, easy to understand information…I have chilled out around food…such freedom!…my son won’t recognise me…I no longer have food cravings…the value I got far outweighed any money I paid…I feel like I’ve escaped from my self-imposed prison…I recommend Jackie 100%…don’t think what have I got to lose? ask, what have I got to gain?”

“I have more purpose and enthusiasm.  I feel calmer.” David*

“More in control of what I eat; not misled or conned by the food industry.” Evan

Barbara came on the course because diets weren’t working.  “I don’t drink coke, have cut down on carbs and am eating good fats.  I feel more vibrant, my skin is better and I’ve lost weight.”

“I feel more alert.” Susan

Kerry liked tasting different foods on the course. ‘Most interesting course I’ve done in a long time – best thing was the discussion on fats.’

Susie says she now feels very knowledgeable about nutrition.  She is appalled by the poor information given to us by the food companies and the media. She fears what will happen to the health of our nation, especially our children!

John was surprised, but not disappointed, to discover that some foods he thought were unhealthy are in fact the reverse.

Linda thought the course provided excellent insight into the benefits of fat.  She experienced improved vitality.  She would warn people to be aware of food labelling.

Stuart said the best thing about the course was understanding why what he was eating wasn’t helping him feel good and full of energy. He doesn’t eat the wrong stuff now.  He says, “It’s definitely worth doing.”

Andrea said, “If you’ve tried dieting before then it hasn’t worked, try this!  You get results and it’s a life change.”

I’m changing how I think about food.  I’ve lost weight and feel healthier and am no longer a slave to my scales! I wish I’d known what I do now 20 years ago. Harriet

You’ll be surprised how much there is to learn – it will definitely change the way you think about what you eat.  I feel fuller (and calmer) at work.  Dave*

“The course was flexible (very) and tailor made for me and my issues with food.  Best things? Achieving my goals and helping my busy lifestyle” Philippa

“Easily understood and very engaging, lots of practical.” Paul – Cumbria (see video).

“I’m snacking a lot less, eating less but because the food is the right food I’m less hungry!” Pete – Cumbria

“Best thing was identifying my metabolic type which has made a massive difference to how I feel day to day. Course was great!!. I wish I’d learnt all this earlier in  my life! Heather

” Best thing was info regarding use of proper cooking fats / use of oils.” Val – Cumbria

“I have achieved all the goals I set myself at the beginning of the course.  It will improve the life of anyone who attends and follows the advice given.” Jim – Cumbria

“The best thing about the course was busting the myths surrounding so called ‘healthy eating’.  Enjoying much more varied diet and previously forbidden foods.  Jenny

“I’m interested in food again.  Thought also about other things I used to enjoy and had stopped doing.” Ben* – Cumbria

“I have my self-worth back.” Beatrice* – Cumbria

“By eating more protein and fat, instead of getting tired after an hour, I can dance all night!” Nicky – London (see video)

Lindsay from Cumbria enjoyed breaking through the food myths.  She  lost weight and now has more energy.

” IT WORKS ! ” Birkett from Cumbria

* Name changed for confidentiality