Quotes of the Month – Health

“People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health and are healed by the health industry, which pays no attention to food.”

Wendell Berry farmer

“The moral argument for focus on prevention and upstream focus is very, very strong.

But the economic argument is absolutely overwhelming. We cannot keep pouring increasing amounts of money into more hospitals, more doctors, more nurses and more medicines in the hope that we can treat our way out of this problem. We do have to address the determinants of health….

We can’t keep scapegoating the NHS for the poor health of our country.”

Lord Bethell

@JimBethel on Twitter

Speech in the House of Lords

Want to enjoy a more vibrantly healthy life? Learn to Eat Well 🙂

Quotes of the Month – Meat

People that promote one diet for everyone are mistaken. Humans are a varied species. We have to answer to our ancestry. I have to eat red meat 4-5 times a week. I am on the carnivore side. I’ve tried vegetarian diets on an experimental basis. I last about 3 days. I get so depressed I just want to stop living so I eat red meat. I can see the difference in myself after 2 days.

Dr Nicholas Gonzalez

Some say that one cannot be an environmentalist or love and respect nature if one is not #vegan. On the contrary, I think that those who truly love nature, and understand it, cannot be vegan.


Quote of the Month – Sugar

“Sugar is a ‘deep, ancient craving’ that probably evolved to help us survive.”

Professor Daniel Lieberman


“Gorging on sweet fruit during summer enabled us to store fat for periods of food scarcity in winter. For millions of years though, this worked because sugar was rare. Now it’s everywhere – but our biology hasn’t caught up.”

Dr Rangan Chattergee

Quote of the Month

“Globally, the prevalence of obesity has tripled since trippled 1975, and 800 million people, including 50 million children, are now obese. People with limited access to healthy food or bad genetic luck with their body chemistry are preyed upon by one of the most well-oiled marketing and distribution engines ever built: the industrial food complex. They’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony with addiction and diabetes.

Obesity is not a form of personal expression or finding one’s “truth,” it’s a disease that invites illness and disability, including coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, gallbladder disease, and Type 2 diabetes. Globally, obesity is the fifth-largest cause of premature death.”

Scott Galloway

@ profgalloway https://twitter.com/profgalloway


“What we think is that with ultra-processed foods, even when the packet says it’s got this vitamin, or it’s got added minerals, or it’s got enough protein, your brain or your gut microbes don’t process it as food in the same way [as wholefoods].

The industrialised food system is the leading cause of illness and early death around the world. And it is the leading cause of biodiversity loss.”

Felice Jacka


Quote of the month – Food industry and Health

The food industry … have destroyed so much of our food supply, and when you eat cheap, nutrition-deficient processed food laced with synthetic chemicals and agricultural poisons, there’s simply no way you’re going to be able to maintain good health.

Dr Mercola

Ultra-processed foods are fundamentally unsustainable products.

Journal of Cleaner Production


Quote of the month – adverts

Unexpected delight of an advert-free day on Channel 4 as a mark of respect for the Queen’s funeral.

I’m sure the sellers will be measuring the effects on sales and behaviours but I wonder what bad choices were avoided by this break.

“Our society is set up to hypnotise us to feel less-than-good about ourselves in order to sell us things.”

Richard Lister

From his book Radical Rest